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Chinese Vocabulary Extractor Tool

This Clavis Sinica applet automatically creates a vocabulary list or vocabulary review sheet from any digitized Chinese text. You can specify the type of vocabulary to be included (character, compounds, or both) and your skill level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced). The higher your skill level, the fewer high-frequency words will be included on your list.

With the Vocabulary Review Sheet option, you can print out a list of vocabulary words including character, pinyin, and English definitions for study and review. The Vocabulary List option generates a list you can use as a flashcard set within the Clavis Sinica program to drill yourself on new words.

To use the applet, simply paste simplified Chinese text into the text window (or select a simplified Chinese text file on your computer), choose an output type, vocabulary type, and skill level, and press Display. The vocabulary list or review file will appear in a new browser window.


If the applet does not appear in the space above, or if the applet appears but nothing happens when you paste in text and press Display, your browser most likely not have the proper version of Java Plug-in installed.

You can download and install the Java Plug-In by clicking here. When the Java Setup Welcome window appears, click the box for "Show advanced options panel." Then in the Custom Set-up window, be sure to select the Additional Languages option to install Chinese language support.

If the applet still does not work for you, please send details to support@clavisinica.com and we'll do what we can to help.