"Thank-you for the great software! It makes learning chinese an awesome experience."
—Robin Yeh
Clavis Sinica is a stand-alone Java application, which means it can run on any operating system that supports Java's JRE 1.4.1+. The program works well on Unix/Linux platforms, but there is no Unix-specific installation package. Please follow the instructions below to install Clavis on your Unix/Linux machine.
mkdir /tmp/clavis
cp install.zip /tmp/clavis
cd /tmp/clavis
We will destroy this copy, so you might want to keep the original somewhere for later installations.
unzip install.zip
cd Install.app/Contents/Resources/Java
for i in *zip; do unzip $i; rm $i; done
Some file names exist more than once, but this is no problem. When unzip asks, just replace [A]ll files.
jar cvf clavis.jar *
java -cp clavis.jar install
When the installer asks for the installation path, choose something suitable. The directory "Clavis_Sinica_SV_3.0" in your home directory is the default, which should be OK in most cases. Press "Next". You will be asked where you want the links to be created. Answer "Don't create links". Continue with "Next" and "Install". After some copying, the installer will finish. Click on "Done".
cd /usr/work/matthias/clavis/Clavis_Sinica_SV_3.0/
rm -rf /tmp/clavis
find . | awk -F'/' '{a=substr($NF,1,1); b=substr($NF,2); c=toupper(a); d=""; for (i=1;i<NF;i++) {d=d""$i"/"} x=$0; y=d""c""b; if (x!=y) system( "ln -sf "$NF" "y );}'
java -cp Clavis.jar:lax.jar Clavis
This instruction file was written by A. Matthias, Computing Center, University of Kassel, matthias@hrz.uni-kassel.de. Reproduced with permission.